
Opossum Removal And Control


Opossum Removal And Control

Grade A Critter is North Atlanta’s experts in wildlife management and control. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality, reliable services to deal with a range of critters that may have taken up residence on your property. While our area is home to a diverse array of wildlife, today we're focusing on a particular nuisance many residents encounter: opossums. These creatures, though often dismissed as harmless scavengers, can pose significant problems for homeowners.

North Atlanta is typically home to the Virginia opossum, the only marsupial found in the United States. Although these animals may appear cute or even innocuous at first glance, don't be fooled. The Virginia opossum can be quite the pest, invading residential spaces and causing a host of issues.

Problems Caused By These Pests

Let's talk about why you don't want these critters hanging around your home. One of the most glaring issues is sanitation. These animals are known to rummage through trash, scattering your carefully bagged refuse all over the place. What's more, they often take up residence under decks, in attics, or in crawl spaces, leaving behind waste and promoting an unsanitary environment. This not only makes your living space less pleasant but can also lead to the spread of diseases such as leptospirosis and tuberculosis.

These nuisances are also notorious for raiding gardens and stealing fruit, vegetables, and even pet food left outside. Not to mention, their nocturnal antics can disturb your peace, as they scuttle and claw during the quiet hours of the night. Did you know that an opossum is capable of producing many vocal sounds? This means that their presence often comes with an auditory disruption that many homeowners find unsettling.

Why DIY Is Not The Way To Go

You might think that a simple online search will equip you with all you need to tackle an opossum problem on your own. However, do-it-yourself methods are rarely effective for long-term control. For instance, many people try to set traps to catch the intruders. But trapping and relocating wildlife involves several legal considerations, and the absence of professional knowledge can put both the human and the animal at risk.

Moreover, improper handling or removal can expose you to the diseases these pests carry. A bite or scratch could result in a serious infection, necessitating medical treatment. By attempting to handle the issue yourself, you're also likely missing the root cause of the infestation, meaning these creatures are bound to return.

As creatures that have been around for at least 65 million years, opossums have some fascinating characteristics. They have a unique immunity to snake venom and can eat ticks, reducing the risk of Lyme disease. Some research indicates that a single opossum can eat up to 5,000 ticks in a single season. However, it's important to remember that these interesting traits don't negate the problems they cause when they invade human habitats.

Expert Management

Given the complexities and risks associated with these pests, it’s crucial to seek professional help for their removal. We have over a decade of experience in wildlife management, including dealing with this specific nuisance. Our team uses humane and effective methods to not only remove the animals but also to identify and secure points of entry, ensuring that your home stays pest-free.

So, if you're dealing with an unwanted animal issue in the North Atlanta area, Grade A Critter is here to help. Contact us today for an inspection, and let our experts provide you with the peace of mind you deserve. We're not just good; we're Grade A.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: I've heard that these animals are immune to some snake venom. Does that mean they can attract venomous snakes to my property?

A1: It's true that opossums have a certain resistance to the venom of some snakes, a fascinating trait in the animal kingdom. However, their presence on your property doesn't necessarily mean you'll also have an influx of venomous snakes. Snakes generally prefer environments that offer them shelter and a steady food supply like rodents, not necessarily the presence of opossums. Part of our comprehensive service includes advising you on how to make your property less attractive to all types of unwanted wildlife.

Q2: Are DIY opossum repellents effective for long-term management?

A2: Various DIY repellents like mothballs or ammonia are often suggested as methods to deter these pests. However, these home remedies are rarely effective for long-term management. Additionally, substances like mothballs can be toxic to pets and even humans if not handled correctly. Relying on DIY solutions could inadvertently create new problems while failing to address the existing animal issue effectively. That's why professional services like those offered by Grade A Critter are essential for a lasting solution.

Q3: What happens after the animal is removed? How can I be sure it won't come back?

A3: Just removing the opossum is only part of the equation; understanding how and why the animal chose your property is crucial for preventing future infestations. After removing the animal, we conduct a thorough inspection to identify potential points of entry and other attractants. We then secure these areas and offer you detailed guidance on how to maintain a less inviting environment for unwanted critters. This holistic approach ensures that you won't be dealing with the same issue down the line.

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